It's Such a Big World and Then it's Not 

PUBLISHED! on April 2, 2024

Two guys with opposing views of life are thrown together over a renegade duck named Mona Lisa!

Rodeo Clowns 2024

Jake, a goofy ranch-hand, is in a constant semi-combative state willing to brawl with anyone and always looking for the rodeo challenge no mortal can overcome. 

He may have met his match in a humble New Yorker who sees something more in Jake, his imminent death.

Faithless 2024

A Priest, overwrought with his parishioners because of their constant complaints, lack of faith, and cries to God, begins to doubt their chances at salvation; 

Then, in prayer about his flock, the Lord gifts him enhanced vision to see what the Lord sees, demons.

C-Store 2024

Sam has lost his wife to cancer and works two jobs to keep his mind off of the loss. 

   To her, a top attorney from a west coast law firm, he's just the guy behind the counter at the C store. 

To him, she is an uptight, impatient, and demanding showoff.

Sam gets to work as a paralegal and stands in the law library reading a brief. Michelle comes in and their eyes meet. He realizes it's the uptight hotshot lawyer from the west.

She eyes him and thinks on his job at the c-store, he's just a guy. 

Their mutual disdain for each other takes a turn when her boyfriend, Nick, shows up to take her for dinner. 

Coming 2024

Skipper Pete YA adventure series 

A young man crosses The Bridge of Transition and discovers that he is the last male in a line of warriors fighting The Evil One. 

“Doris, my friend!” Soegoedteehee, a Shoshone Indian, climbed onto his Thunder Being, Bnesi, and tapped her sides. She leapt up, threw her colored wings out, and thrust them down to get into the air! 

He looked at Gerald, whose warrior name was Skipper Pete, “Warriors on the plains, Skipper Pete!” And then, he nodded at him and turned away. 

Soegoedteehee led the army, burned, battered, and severely injured, to safety.

 Those were the terms of surrender. Gerald went with his sister, Doris, to fight The Evil One to the death and give their army time to seek a safe place away from the horror.  

Skipper Pete looked over the injured masses of Knomes, Cave Dwellers, Grizzlies, Black bears, wolverines, people, Sasquatches, New World Leprechauns (those who honored the old loyalties) and the thunder beings, majestic and powerful, loving until death.

Butch Roberts and The African Adventure.

Butch, a famed interior designer, takes a dream trip with his girl Friday to South Africa. While on a safari, he is captured by a rebellious tribe. He fights against the government troops who burn villages and murder people. 

He realizes he must do more than flee the carnage to save him and his girl, he must help the villagers escape too.